Thursday, January 10, 2013

Darkroom Photography - Landscape

A selection of photographs from the Darkroom Photo One class in the Fall.  I don't really need to add anything about their work.  Enjoy.  The name precedes the student's image.

Katie McCauley

Kyle Mosman

Libba Wharton

Liza Dent

Ellie Sullivan

Come on, you gotta love it.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Darkroom Photography - Portraits

Finally time to catch up with the work done in the darkroom this last semester.  While these photographs by students in the Photography One, Darkroom class were displayed around school during the semester, this is the first chance to put them up on the blog.  We will start with some the of the images from the Portrait Project and follow later with other images.  As always the name of the photographer precedes the photograph.

Kate McCauley

Libba Wharton

Kyle Mosman

Payton Reed

Payton Reed